Help Your Student Identify Small Goals that Build to Big Gains
It's the constant small steps toward getting better that build the skills of success.
The list of skills below help with us succeed with schoolwork, jobs, and general “adulting.”
First take a look at the rating scale. Your student will “score” themselves from 1 to 5.
If parents rate themselves and join in, they demonstrate to students that each of us has strength areas and room to grow.
The Rating Scale
1 – doing this is extremely hard for me
2 – doing this is pretty hard for me most of the time
3 – I feel like I can do this pretty well sometimes, but not consistently
4 – I feel like I can do this most of the time
5 – I feel like I’ve got this down!
Skills Everyone Needs
Apply the scale to the following skills. Then use our "Building Essential Skills" category search to find helpful articles to get your student moving toward better.
GROUP A: Skills 1 – 3 are about knowing what we need to do. |
1 – Self-Understanding: evaluating ourselves and how we are doing. |
2 – Organization: developing and using systems to keep track of materials and information. |
3 – Time Management: identifying steps and reaching goals.
Skills 4 – 6 are about how we respond to things. |
4- Emotional Control: managing feelings so that we can achieve goals and complete tasks. |
5 – Behavior Control: stopping and thinking before doing something you shouldn’t |
6 – Flexibility: adapting to changes. |
Skills 7 – 10 are about getting tasks done from start to finish. |
7 – Task Initiation: starting and finishing tasks without procrastination. |
8 – Attention: staying focused on a task that is uninteresting |
9 – Working Memory: using information held in memory to complete a task |
10 – Persistence: sticking with difficult tasks from start to finish |