Forgotten at home—Do NOT drop it off
If your student leaves behind a laptop, homework, phone, lunch, or other item, DO NOT bring the item(s) to school.
We have the capacity to deliver ONLY medications to students at school. We cannot accept other items or assignments..
Your student may feel anxious about going to class, etc. without their laptop, phone or an assignment that’s due.
One day without these important, but not life-changing, items is easily overlooked:
- A pad and pencil or borrowed phone will do for the day.
- Many teachers offer some grace for a one-time late item, or their grading is such that your student can make up the loss of points on one assignment.
Far better that we help your student learn to get to class (and then college class and ultimately work) with the items they will need. Time is running out—only four years in high school to develop independence.
Students may leave the building to meet you during lunch.
Help your student grow their organization skills
Use this opportunity to help your student confront the importance of developing their ability to ensure that they leave the house with everything they will need. In this case, one uncomfortable day will demonstrate the importance of this skill more than a thousand words of wisdom.
Try these tactics to help them:
- Pack the night before right after they finish homework or on their way to bed.
- Post a list of the handful of items they can’t leave without in a visible spot on doorway out of the house.
- Help them develop a mantra that they use before stepping out, such as “Keys, wallet, phone, glasses.”
- Without giving hints or listing the items for them, ask, “Name the items you need today.” If they miss something, then give hints rather than naming the missing item: “Hmm, don’t you have band today?” or “Is today the day that you won’t be able to buy lunch?”
Here’s a few items they may want on their list:
- Instruments or tools for specific courses;
- Other supplies or assignments for class;
- ORCA bus pass;
- Laptop and power cord;
- Lunch or money in their lunch account;
- Phone;
- Gear for team practice or club after school;
- A hug or a smile to send them on their way?