Virtual Wellness Room
Welcome to the Newport High School Wellness Room. We hope that the tools and resources shared in this Wellness Room will help you focus on your physical and social-emotional health, in good times and in challenging times. This space is for students, families, and staff. You will find strategies, activities, tools, and resources to help manage and accept strong emotions like stress, anxiety, and grief. Take time throughout your day to bring in what calms you. Breathe. Be grateful. Feed your soul. Enjoy!
* Note: If you or someone you know is in immediate crisis, please call 911 for help. The resources and tools here are for information only and are not intended as a substitute for medical or psychological advice and treatment. Nor should the resources be considered endorsements. Be aware that information changes over time and the content of these links may shift. Always reach out to your school counselor, therapist, parent, or other trusted adult at school for help.